Cannabis 101

CBD Oil Guide- Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, & More
I know you're here to read about CBD Oil, but let's start from the top, i,e. Cannabis.
There is a shift in the attitude of people when someone mentions Cannabis. Some people, especially those with a medical condition, swear by it, some despise it, the government regulators are flustered by it, and the world just can't seem to get enough of it.
The recent relaxation and legalization of cannabis have invited a bunch of people into the plant culture. Previously associated with getting "high" or "baked", the other side of the picture is getting clearer now with an influx of people getting acquainted with its medicinal benefits and the earthly wonders.
While there are many different ways of consuming it, today we specifically talk about CBD oil and give you a handy guide on its consumption, benefits, and much more. And before you deep dive into the CBD world, make sure you have the correct information in hand as misinformation and dubious claims are very common.
What is CBD?
CBD, also known as cannabinoid, is a naturally occurring active compound that is found alongside more than 100 active cannabinoids in the plant. It is a non-psychoactive compound found in the resinous flower of cannabis, a plant with a rich history of medicine. Scientists and researchers around the world are exploring and confirming the medicinal benefits of the plant, leading to an upsurge in their usage and popularity.
The other famous component known as THC is what gives the intoxicating effect. However, both CBD and THC have robust therapeutic remedies which have helped millions all over the world. CBD reduces or neutralizes the psychoactive effect of THC, making it an ideal choice for people who want to tap on the medicinal benefit without the associated high.
Where does CBD help?
We are now discussing CBD oil and its benefits.
CBD and its medicinal benefits opened a lot of doors for those who have been tired of their condition or with the pharmaceutical medicine which comes with their baggage of side effects.
CBD has shown exceptional results in treating psychological conditions like anxiety, depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and much more.
Recent studies have also shown that CBD has neuroprotective effects and researchers are investigating its anti-cancer properties. It has also been reported that CBD stimulates neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells, in adult mammals.
And that's not it, Medical Benefits of CBD oil are prevalent in the following areas:-
Autoimmune diseases
Metabolic syndrome like diabetes, obesity, etc.
Neurological conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Epilepsy, Dementia, etc.
Skin diseases like psoriasis, acne, etc.
Neuropsychiatric illnesses like ADHD, autism, etc
Gut disorders and Cardiovascular dysfunction
This is not an exhaustive list, as some new and mind-blowing benefits pop up after every research, leaving us all in awe of the healing power of mother earth. Moving on from the effect of CBD oil, let’s take a look at its working.
How does CBD Work?
After understanding what is CBD oil, let's start with the very basic understanding of our body to comprehend the effects of CBD and THC.
We have an "endocannabinoid system" in our body which is responsible for regulating a broad range of physiological processes that affect our everyday experiences like our energy level, our metabolism, mood, blood pressure, pain, hunger, stress, and more.
And what happens when the system does not work properly? It leads to new conditions or diseases.
The endocannabinoid system is named so as it is similar to the compounds found in the cannabis plant. THC and CBD interact with our body by affecting the endocannabinoid system when it malfunctions, leading to a reduction or a stop in the disease.
Of course, there are some possible side-effects of CBD oil which we discuss in detail later.
For now, let’s start with CBD oil.
Where is CBD Oil Found & Where Can I buy CBD Oil?
Now that you know quite well enough what CBD is, let's move onto see how the oil is extracted from the plants.
The CBD and other cannabinoids are found in the oily resin of the plant. The gooey, sticky resin is usually collected on the dense clusters of cannabis buds, which are concealed by small, mushroom-shaped trichomes. Trichomes are the place where the oil and medicinal compounds including CBD, Terpenes, and THC are collected. These oily trichomes are produced by the plant as it protects it from heat and radiation while also deterring predators, pests, and bugs.
The amount of CBD present in these plants varies from strain to strain. Many strains are rich in THC while the others have a high CBD content. There are various headshops where you can find oral oils.
How is CBD Oil Made & How Do you Use CBD oil?
CBD oil has to be extracted from the plant material to ensure that the CBD and Terpenes are available in highly concentrated form. Being oily by nature, the separation of CBD oil from cannabinoids leads to a thick oil. However, its potency and purity are dependent on the extraction method.
Cannabinoid compounds are "terpenophenolic” compounds which means that they are soluble in both oil and alcohol. For this reason, a solvent is used in the process of extracting CBD oil. We usually get this question a lot asking us what’re the most common types of CBD extraction methods?
There are three most popular ways to extract CBD Oil which includes using a solvent such as alcohol to separate the molecules and cannabinoids from the cannabis and hemp flowers. The solvents used for this process are CO2, Ethanol, and Hydrocarbon. These methods are used commercially and cannot be done at home.
Other methods include using food-safe oil to extract useful material from the cannabis plant. This involves the use of coconut oil, olive oils, and the likes such as they are lipophilic, meaning they are absorbed well by fat. This can be done at home and we have shared an easy DIY recipe for CBD oil below.
DIY CBD Oil Recipe with Olive Oil
Making CBD oil with olive oil is one of the safest and most preferred methods as it does not leave any residue behind. Moreover, it also gives you the additional benefit of the base oil.
For the record, you can use any oil that is safe for consumption. However, my personal favourite choice is Olive oil because of its beneficial qualities.
Before we start with the process, make sure you buy a cannabis strain that has a good amount of CBD. If you're confused, consult your budtender, but don't make an uninformed choice.
Let's get started with the CBD oil Recipe!
Step 1: Decarboxylate your buds before you do anything else.
Step 2: Break your material into smaller pieces and put them in the mason jar.
Step 3: Fill the jar with the oil, depending on the potency that you're expecting. Allow the mixture to saturate for some time.
Step 4: The next step involves bringing the mixture to a boil. Take a pan and place the mason jar in it.
Step 5: Fill the pan with water and heat it until it reaches 200 degrees.
Step 6: You have to make the mixture simmer for 3 hours, ensuring the water does not exceed the prescribed temperature, nor evaporate completely.
Step 7: Once done, turn off the stove, and let the mixture sit for another three hours.
Step 8: Repeat the 6th Step and then let the mixture sit overnight.
Step 9: Sieve the mixture through a cheesecloth and store your extracted CBD oil in a cool dry place.
The most popular forms of CBD Oil
CBD Tinctures: They are liquid extracts that are consumed sublingually, which means they are dropped underneath the tongue and are absorbed by the tissues and enter the bloodstream. There are no CBD Tincture effects that may be different from the usual ones. If you’re looking for more information on cbd tincture dosing, side-effects, benefits, make, etc, check out the link shared below.
CBD Capsules: These capsules are filled with oil and consumed like normal vitamins or supplements, containing gel caps filled with the oil.
CBD Vape Oil: For those who don't like to consume CBD oil orally, they can be smoked. It refers to those pre-filled oil cartridges that are attached to the vape or can be used as a vape juice in e-cigarettes.
CBD Rick Simpson Oil (RSO): This type of oil is referred to as an alcohol-based extract which can be injected or applied on the skin to reap from its benefits.
Creams & Lotions: CBD infused topicals are used to treat chronic joints and muscle pain along with skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. However, topicals stay on the surface of the skin and do not get absorbed in the bloodstream.
Types of CBD Oil Extracts
Broadly, there are three types of CBD oil Extracts. Let's have a look at them:
Full-spectrum CBD Oil Extract: This type of CBD Oil refers to the complete hemp plant extract along with other cannabinoids in hemp and marijuana, and a range of terpenes, vitamins, flavonoids, and minerals.
Researchers have found that the Full Spectrum CBD Oil Extract is more effective than CBD isolate as the general idea is that the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds of the source plant can amplify each other’s effects. However, if you're not looking to consume the additional compounds of the plant, opt for CBD Isolate.
There are no full-spectrum CBD Oil side-effects that differ from the general ones which includes anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, etc. -
CBD Isolate Extract: It is the opposite of Full Spectrum CBD Oil as the extract is 99% pure CBD only. There are no additional cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and it is completely free of THC. It does not have any smell or taste and can be consumed easily without the additional taste of the earth. CBD Isolate is preferred as pure CBD makes it easier to control the concentration and dosage effectively. As for CBD Isolate Dosing, there is no correct answer to this. You will have to experiment and find your sweet spot yourself. There are also many CBD Isolate Oil Recipes that you can try.
Broad Spectrum CBD: This type of CBD is similar to the Full spectrum CBD but goes through an additional step to remove the THC. It contains all the other plant compounds like terpenes, vitamins, flavonoids, and minerals, without any traces of THC.
Difference between Marijuana and Hemp oil
Let's understand the difference between the two oils in terms of their THC content to make things clearer.
Hemp is a cannabis plant extract which contains a high level of cannabinoids, the non-psychoactive compound with almost no trace of THC(below 0.3%). This means that you can enjoy the benefits of CBD without having to get "high" or feel intoxicated. It is essentially useful for people who need to administer CBD while working or being in public places, or people averse to feeling high. Hemp oil is also easily available in stores, headshops, and other places since they are not tied with the legalities in the USA. The hemp seed oil dosage is not very different from the Marijuana oil. Start with the lower dosage, moving on as your metabolizes and gets used to the effects.
Like any other cannabis extract, Hemp Seed oil has a list of benefits and side-effects.
On the other hand, Marijuana oil entails all the plant compounds along with CBD, including 5-30% of THC. Derived from selectively bred high-CBD strains, they can get the user high, although the intoxicating properties are kept in check as CBD counteracts THC’s effect. Moreover, Marijuana is not legal in most countries and can be used in only some states in the US.
Dosing on Cannabis Oil - How much should I take?
The area where it is least known about CBD is dosing, so let's tread this path carefully.
It can be quite daunting to find the perfect dosage as optimizing therapeutic cannabis use can be a challenge, even for the doctors. Since Cannabis are available in many different forms with a wide range of potencies, and the government regulations are different everywhere, it leads to unstandardized use of cannabis. There are no one size fits all when it comes to cbd therapeutic doses. However, Dosing CBD oil isn’t rocket science and with enough care, you’ll get it right.
One of the most common misconceptions of dosing is that you have to consume high amounts to feel the effect. Here's where most people go wrong. Let’s see how to consume CBD oil.
CBD oil should be consumed, starting with micro-dosing. Contrary to popular beliefs, the therapeutic effects of CBD oil can be achieved at dosages lower than that required to produce Euphoria or impairment. In fact, lower doses, in some cases, can be more effective than larger doses.
The usual acceptance around dosing on CBD oil is to start small, and gradually adjust your intake according to your need. Your body is the best decision-maker, and you should put it in charge of the dosage.
Another thing that you have to keep in mind is that CBD affects everyone differently, mainly because of genetic predispositions, gender, biochemistry, tolerance, metabolism, etc.
So, a particular dose or brand may work for your friend, but the same dosage may titillate nothing in you. Similarly, the CBD content varies in different products. Read the label for more information or consult the person in charge before you make a purchasing decision.
Let's put out some caution rules that you should follow with CBD oil:
Each dosage usually contains 1 milligram per drop concentration but ensure that you read the labels closely as some products may vary in the per mg/concentration.
Vaping oil also helps to consume CBD, but the dosage here is tricky. It depends on the concentration of the liquid and how much you inhale.
Gummies also have a set standard dosage which is 5miligrams/gummy. But, make sure you ensure this before increasing or decreasing your dose.
When starting with CBD infused topical, use them sparingly, starting with absolute minimum and then acting according to the bodily reaction.
So all in all, you have to be your judge, and decide on the dosage yourself or consult a doctor who would help you through the process.
Now let's move on to the side effects of CBD oil.
The Possible Side Effects of CBD Oil
Let’s come to the most crucial topic of the article - CBD Oil Side Effects.
CBD oil has different types of side effects which varies from person to person. For some, it may not even be felt even slightly, while for others, the severity may be quite high. This is the reason why dosing should be administered in small quantities so you can efficiently understand the side effects and manage them. However, contrary to popular misconceptions, there are no different or unique side-effects of cbd oil with THC. Similarly, CBD without THC does not have any unique side-effects.
Taking a look at the side effects of cannabidiol oil, it is not very different from the side-effects of consuming any other type of cannabis. And while we are on this topic, side effects of cbd capsules are also not different from the general ones.
The CBD oil side effects include:
Dry mouth
Changes in appetite
Changes in mood
CBD may also lead to an increase in liver enzymes. If you have any liver-related disease, consult your doctor before using CBD oil.
Another set of people that should stay clear of CBD related products are pregnant women. CBD can pass through the barrier of the placenta and presents a risk to the baby's development and growth.
CBD can also interact with other medicines and may alter the effectiveness of the drug or lead to a toxic reaction. If you're on any other medication, mention this to your doctor before moving forward with CBD oil.
Difference between CBD oil and Hemp Seed Oil
Many people fail to understand the difference between CBD oil and Hemp Seed Oil and fall to the misrepresentation of information by brands. So let's break this down for you.
CBD oil is extracted from the leaves, stalks, flowers, and other parts of the plant where cannabidiol (CBD) is found. On the other hand, the hemp seed oil is derived from hemp seeds where there is little or no CBD content. Even though both have health benefits, they are very different from each other.
So how do you differentiate both of them while looking for CBD oils?
The easiest way is to refer to what the package says. If it does not mention "hemp seed oil", look for alternative words like “cannabis seed oil” or “cannabis Sativa seed oil,”. On the other hand, while looking for CBD products, find words like “cannabidiol” or “CBD", to ensure you're getting your hands on the correct product! If you’re confused, consult the headshop or the buyer.
Now that we have cleared the confusion between the two oils, let's look at other things you should consider before buying CBD oil.
Does CBD have side-effects?
Yes, CBD does have side-effects which are not very different from the general side-effects of Cannabis which includes dizziness, nausea, anxiety, dry mouth, etc.
What is the difference between cbd tincture and cbd oil?
When compared to CBD Tinctures, CBD oil has a fairly greater potency of CBD. On the other hand, tinctures have a longer shelf life and bioavailability when compared to CBD oil due to their presence of alcohol.
How to smoke cbd isolate?
You can mix your CBD Isolate with your vape juice for an easy smoke. On the other hand, you can also smoke CBD Isolate in your dab rigs or wax pens.
How to take cbd oil orally?
The best way to consume CBD oil orally is to go the sublingual way where you drop the oil under your tongue, allowing it to absorb. It also leads to a faster effect when compared to when you consume it with an edible.
Does CBD oil raise blood pressure?
CBD is known to relax and ease the blood vessels, thereby decreasing anxiety and lowering blood pressure. So no, CBD oil does not raise blood pressure but instead helps to lower it.
CBD for Dogs & Cats - Dosage for Pets
The world of green herbs is an enticing and vast one. From their very controversial status to the array of medical benefits recently discovered, society is slowly accepting the green buds with both arms. As the doors of cannabis opened up and research started flowing, the craze for CBD grew, owing to its long list of benefits and non-intoxicating characteristics. For those who are just stepping into the green land, CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the most prominent compounds of the cannabis plant that aims to help with many ailments and conditions without the high.
The recent craze for CBD is attributed to its quality of not only helping with medical conditions that seemed untreatable under allopathy but also helping to improve the overall well-being and quality of life. For instance, CBD helps a person suffering from severe seizure disorder by significantly reducing the frequency of seizures, relieving them from constant distress. Moreover, the benefits of CBD and cannabis do not seize at the doorstep of human life but continue to go over and help our furry friends.
As the benefits of cannabidiol come forward into the limelight, pet owners have been inspired to pass it over to their four-legged friends. This led to a creation of a market where you could purchase a variety of CBD products for pets. From the very famous cannabis (CBD) oil to CBD treats, CBD creams, CBD pills and capsules, to CBD drops, we now have a collection of products that help to inject benefits into our pets.
If you're a pet owner looking to dive deep into the Cannabis world, this article is curated for you. We discuss CBD for Dogs and Cats, the correct dosage, the advantages & tips, and provide answers to your doubts.
Let's get started!
Endocannabinoid System and Pets - How does CBD work?
When trying to understand how CBD works, it is very essential to know more about the endocannabinoid system (ECS). It is through the ECS that cannabis compounds react with our body, creating the effects linked to the green buds.
The Endocannabinoid system is present in each animal, ranging from the most complex mammals to simple invertebrates. Discovered in the 1990s, the ECS is meant to keep the internal balance while the external environment changes. It interacts with every other system in the body, producing endocannabinoids to induce the creation of neurotransmitters or hormones. The endocannabinoids travel through the bloodstream and attach to cells throughout the body. They are essentially messengers that instruct and tell the different systems how to react, thereby affecting the entire bodily process.
When a person or a pet consumes CBD, it binds with the Endocannabinoids system, influencing it to produce endocannabinoids that help to promote health and well-being. It follows the same functionality in humans and pets, opening the door of benefits to our little friends.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD Or Cannabidiol Oil is derived from the Cannabis plant, singling out one cannabinoid from the host of other natural compounds. It contains CBD as the primary product and is generally used to promote well-being and helps in different ailments. In the UK, CBD products are legal only if they contain less than 0.2% THC.
CBD Oil can be sourced from hemp or the cannabis plant. However, CBD from any of the mentioned sources do not contain any intoxicating characteristics and is safe to consume. In the right quantities, CBD oil is extremely effective as a supportive supplement.
CBD for Dogs and Cats can be found in many different forms. However, CBD oil is one of the most popular ways to transmit the benefits of Cannabidiol to our best friends. It is easier to adjust the dosage with oils, and you can simply mix it with the food. No fussy behaviour there!
CBD oil for pets is also available in different flavours and various targeted effects, allowing the pets to enjoy the perks of CBD. Apart from Oil, you can also try tasty CBD treats, topicals, and more that can benefit dogs and cats.
Benefits of CBD for Dogs and Cats
CBD's rise to fame is credited to its range of medical benefits, with many of them still being researched. One of the most prominent advantages of CBD is its ability to dampen inflammation and chronic pain in mammals. Moreover, CBD is also an excellent neuroprotector that helps in treating neurological disorders like seizures and epilepsy.
Here's a list of CBD benefits for dogs and cats:
Anxiety & Stress
Chronic Inflammation
Pain (Moderate & Chronic)
Digestive Issues
Wellness & Health
There is still ongoing research and studies related to the benefits of CBD for dog seizures. In any case, it is always a good idea to take your pet, cat or dog, to the vet before starting with any treatment.
Now that you are aware of CBD benefits for cats and dogs, let's take a look at the CBD dosage chart and explanations.
CBD for Dogs and Cats - The ideal dose
Cannabis and CBD oil is more of recent development and is still new to us. While we try to understand the benefits and effects of CBD on humans, our four-legged friends are not very far behind. There are multiple studies and research that vouch for the benefits of CBD for our pets, but many owners are still very confused about the right dosage. We get a lot of questions like how much CBD should I give to my dog or what is the ideal CBD oil dosage for cats?
Let's answer all your doubts!
The most generally accepted dosage is to start with 1-2mg for every 10 pounds of weight. Some studies also prescribe a higher per mg dose for cats as they have a lower number of receptors. However, make sure you look at the CBD oil concentration before following the rule of thumb.
The CBD mentioned on the bottle of oil is the amount available in the entire bottle and not on a per-dose basis. If a 30ml bottle contains 600mg CBD, an ml of the oil will contain 20mg CBD. Doing the maths, a 50 lbs puppy can take a 0.25ml containing 5mg CBD. I know it gets confusing, which is why we have a dosage chart given below.
Let's take a look further into the ideal CBD dosage for cats and dogs.
The ideal dosage for your pet is dependent on slight experimentation. Like the human body, everybody is different in the animal land too. Even if you choose the best quality CBD oil for dogs or the best CBD treats for cats, the right dose may still vary and with it, the effects of CBD. It depends on the receptors and how they work in the body to understand the ideal dosage, especially if you're looking for medical benefits. It is always a great idea to start with the lower end of the range and note down the effect after 30-60 minutes. If the required result is reached, you don't have to change the dose. If not, you can increase it slightly and note the effects again.
Even while opting for CBD treats or any other type of consumption for your pets, you can find the CBD content and figure out the per dose mg for the furry friends.
Tips on the CBD Dosage for Pets
As discussed above, we know that the potency of the CBD oil and the weight of the pet are the major factors that decide the correct CBD dosage. Another factor that influences the dosage is the ailment that you're treating. A more severe condition might demand a higher dose than others.
Here are some tips on CBD for dogs and cats:
It is recommended to consult the veterinarian before you start with any treatment. They would be able to provide a professional light on the entire situation.
Take into account other health conditions of your pet as that can influence the effect and potency of the CBD.
Always buy the highest quality CBD oil from a trusted source. Look at the complete ingredients list and ask for more if you're not satisfied. Look for CBD products that have an authentic certificate.
Buy the correct potency, keeping in mind the size and weight of the pet
How long does it take CBD to start working?
When taken sublingually, CBD starts working in 30-45 minutes. However, when you take CBD in food or treats, it has to pass through the digestive tract, break down, and start the work. Therefore, it might take time to start with the effect. However, both ways are equally effective.
How long does the CBD Effect last?
The potency and time of the effect are dependent on many factors, including the pet's activity level, size, breed, and even symptoms. But the usual time frame is 4-8 hours.
This brings us to the end of our guide of CBD for dogs and cats, and the ideal dosage. I hope it was helpful and informative. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.
For more such content, keep watching this space.
Indica vs. Sativa - What’s the Difference Between the Two Cannabis Plants?
With Cannabis being legal for medicinal and recreational purposes in many countries, the users have taken an interest in the different types of strains available for consumption. Over 1000 strains of cannabis have been introduced to our world, and it just seems to make people more confused and divided. As it affects the user's body and mind, it is only fair to make an informed decision. Let's see what the noise about Indica vs Sativa is!
When browsing cannabis strains or purchasing cannabis at a shop, you may notice strains are commonly broken up into three distinct groups: Indica, Sativa, and hybrid. Ongoing debate and discussion have been prevalent in this field regarding the accurate distinction between Indica and Sativa.
There is a growing interest in the different effects that these two can produce. The idea that Sativa, Indica, and hybrid breeds deliver distinct effects is so deeply rooted in the cannabis aficionados that bud tenders often initiate their sale by asking you which of these three types you prefer.
Prolonging the Indica vs Sativa debate, is it really true that when you prefer a Sativa, you’re picking a more uplifting experience whereas when you opt for an Indica, a calmer, more soothing one?
Researchers have been divided on the fact that a "type" of strain can decide the effect it carries. In simple words, the category, or type, of cannabis may not be the greatest indicator of the effects you’ll experience.
Apart from their physical difference, their chemical ingredients- terpenes and cannabinoids- present no clear pattern as to why one would be relaxing and the other energizing. The term "Indica" and "Sativa" was initially used by the cultivators to distinguish between them.
On that note, adding more information to the Indica vs Sativa talk, let's have a look at their physical properties.
Indica vs Sativa: How to tell the difference between Indica and Sativa Leaves?
The name "Indica" and "Sativa" comes from Botanists who use physical differences such as height, the shape of the leaves, branching patterns, and yielding periods to identify the different strains of the cannabis plant.
Indica is known to be a short, bushy green plant, with wide and broad chunky leaves. Their origin can be tracked down to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Turkey. The plants have adapted to the often harsh, dry, and turbulent climate of the Hindu Kush Mountains. Their distinction also stems from the fact that they grow faster than their counterpart and produce a higher yield.

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Indica vs. Sativa - What’s the Difference Between the Two Cannabis Plants?
With Cannabis being legal for medicinal and recreational purposes in many countries, the users have taken an interest in the different types of strains available for consumption. Over 1000 strains of cannabis have been introduced to our world, and it just seems to make people more confused and divided. As it affects the user's body and mind, it is only fair to make an informed decision. Let's see what the noise about Indica vs Sativa is!
When browsing cannabis strains or purchasing cannabis at a shop, you may notice strains are commonly broken up into three distinct groups: Indica, Sativa, and hybrid. Ongoing debate and discussion have been prevalent in this field regarding the accurate distinction between Indica and Sativa.
There is a growing interest in the different effects that these two can produce. The idea that Sativa, Indica, and hybrid breeds deliver distinct effects is so deeply rooted in the cannabis aficionados that bud tenders often initiate their sale by asking you which of these three types you prefer.
Prolonging the Indica vs Sativa debate, is it really true that when you prefer a Sativa, you’re picking a more uplifting experience whereas when you opt for an Indica, a calmer, more soothing one?
Researchers have been divided on the fact that a "type" of strain can decide the effect it carries. In simple words, the category, or type, of cannabis may not be the greatest indicator of the effects you’ll experience.
Apart from their physical difference, their chemical ingredients- terpenes and cannabinoids- present no clear pattern as to why one would be relaxing and the other energizing. The term "Indica" and "Sativa" was initially used by the cultivators to distinguish between them.
On that note, adding more information to the Indica vs Sativa talk, let's have a look at their physical properties.
Indica vs Sativa: How to tell the difference between Indica and Sativa Leaves?
The name "Indica" and "Sativa" comes from Botanists who use physical differences such as height, the shape of the leaves, branching patterns, and yielding periods to identify the different strains of the cannabis plant.
Indica is known to be a short, bushy green plant, with wide and broad chunky leaves. Their origin can be tracked down to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Turkey. The plants have adapted to the often harsh, dry, and turbulent climate of the Hindu Kush Mountains. Their distinction also stems from the fact that they grow faster than their counterpart and produce a higher yield.
As for Sativa, they are found primarily in hot, dry climates with long sunny days which include Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, and western portions of Asia. They are identified as tall, thin plants with narrow finger-like leaves having light green shade. They can grow taller than 12 feet and typically take longer to grow and mature. They also require more sunlight for accurate growth.
Now that we know the physical difference, let's look at the Indica vs Sativa difference from a different angle.
Indica vs Sativa - Popularly believed chemical difference between them
Though experts have been divided on whether the kind of high can be distinguished by the names of the strains, however, we need to understand the common notion that surrounds both the cannabis plant.
Indica high effects are usually associated with the word "relaxation" and "body high" as they provide mental and muscle rest which is one of the reasons why they are recommended to be consumed in the evening or night. Potent Indica strains may give the user what is known as “couchlock,” a condition in which they become so relaxed that they barely get up from the sofa. The general notion is that Indica reduces nausea and pain & increases appetite.
Sativas, on the other hand, create a "mind high" which leads to uplifting cerebral activity, enhancing creativity and productivity. It leads to an increase in serotonin- a neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of learning, mood, sleep, anxiety and appetite. The energizing experience of Sativas finds its usage in anti-depressants, anxiety, and chronic pain.
The main argument regarding the Indica vs Sativa is that the "high" cannot be associated with just the difference in the names. There are many other factors involved which lead to the overall experience of consuming the plant. And these factors are altered when the cultivator grows the same plant differently!
Let's have a look at which chemical compounds affect your strain.
Indica vs Sativa - Chemical properties affecting your strains
So what does the effect of a cannabis strain depend on?
For starters, there is no one-word answer for this. It depends on several factors which include the chemical compounds like terpenes and cannabinoids, your individual biology and tolerance, dose consumed, and least to say, consumption method. It is important to have a better understanding of these factors to make an informed decision while purchasing the perfect strain for you.
When we focus on Indica vs Sativa, we have to talk about the most primary factors that decide the "high" of your strains.
The cannabis plant is a product of hundreds of chemical compounds that create a harmony of effects, which is essentially led by cannabinoids. They are responsible for all kinds of effects, whether positive or negative. Researchers have recognized 144 different cannabinoids, with Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) being the two most studied and discussed compounds.
The general public tends to distinguish Indica vs Sativa based on their THC and CBD level, which may not always be the case, as they can have various effects on the user.
Here are some of the recognized Cannabinoids:
THC is the most common type of compound users associate with cannabis. Also known as a psychoactive compound, they are responsible for the "high" or the euphoric state that comes from the usage of cannabis. It is said that a higher amount of THC in your cannabis helps with pain, insomnia, and depression.
CBD falls under the category of a non-psychoactive compound as it is proven not to induce a "high". However, it does affect the mood and is therefore used to address anxiety and psychoses. Its physical benefit also includes soothing pain and nausea, relieving migraine, and preventing seizures. However, despite its reputation for inducing calm, CBD can be a stimulant in small and monitored doses.
CBN (Cannabinol) finds its application and usage in the neurological area. It is used to treat patients who suffer from seizures, epilepsy, and severe muscle stiffness.
THCA (Tetrahydrocannabinol Acid) is quite like THC, but it does not cause any psychoactive effects or "high". It helps reduce inflammation from autoimmune diseases and arthritis. It may also find its usage in neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease and ALS.
CBG (Cannabigerol) is useful in psychological issues like anxiety, PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder), and depression.
For centuries people thought terpenes did not have any effect on the strains. But recent studies have told us that they are pretty impactful. Terpenes are the organic compound responsible for a plant's flavours and aromas, thereby influencing the effect produced by the strains and their potential medicinal benefits. So the Indica vs Sativa discussion is not just limited to CBD and THC.
Let's have a look at the different types of Terpenes.
Caryophyllene: This is known to be a spicy, peppery molecule which is effective in reducing anxiety and depression.
Linalool: With its floral notes, it is noticed to help the user to relax and boost mood.
Bisabolol: Enriched with hints of chamomile and tea tree oil, the terpene is helpful in soothing inflammation and irritation, while also having microbial and pain-reducing effects.
Myrcene: Identified as the most common terpene, it helps to reduce anxiety and insomnia with its earthy and herbal notes.
Terpinolene: With its aroma of apples, cumin, and nutmeg, it has sedative, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
Limonene: This cannabis compound is known to improve mood and reduce stress with its enhancing citrus notes.
Humulene: This terpene is deeply earthy and woody, like hops or cloves. Cannabis strains with this molecule may reduce inflammation.
Pinene: It has an intense pine aroma which assists in boosting memory, soothing pain, and easing some of the undesirable symptoms of THC.
Eucalyptol: Enriched with refreshing and soothing notes of eucalyptus and tea tree oil, it may reduce inflammation and fight bacteria.
Ocimene: Enriched with notes of basil, mango, and parsley, it finds its effectiveness in easing congestion and keeping off viruses and bacteria.
Indica vs Sativa - FAQs
Is Indica an upper or downer?
An upper or downer depends on the Cannabinoids and Terpenes content. But if you're looking at the conventional research, it is known to give a "body high", which essentially means they provide mental and muscle rest.
What is the difference between Indica and Sativa leaves?
Indica is known to be a short, bushy green plant, with wide and broad chunky leaves whereas Sativa is identified as tall, thin plants with narrow finger-like leaves having light green shade.
Does Indica make you paranoid?
Indica is known for its relaxing and calming effect. However, if you're sensitive to the cannabis effect, you might experience some anxiety or paranoia responses to any of the strains.
What does Indica do to the brain?
Indica is known to increase dopamine which is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centres. This is one of the primary reasons why it is generally used during night time.
What is Sativa used to treat?
It is used to create a "mind high" which leads to uplifting cerebral activity, enhancing creativity and productivity. The energizing experience of Sativas finds its usage in anti-depressants, anxiety, and chronic pain.
Is Indica or Sativa better for PTSD?
PTSD is often associated with anxiety and feeling uneasy. Indica is known to give relaxation to the body, soothing anxiety and pain. However, Sativa energizes the mind which might be what some users are looking for.
It is important to understand the difference between Indica and Sativa does not just stem from their physical change, but also due to the changes in Cannabinoids and Terpenes. If you're beginning out, start paying attention to the content of Cannabinoids and Terpenes in your strains. The aroma says a lot- let your nose take the decision.
It is difficult to plainly categorise the difference between the two as everyone's body reacts differently.
Now that you know what Indica vs Sativa is all about, you must understand that it takes experience and a lot of information to know what works best for you. In the end, you have to determine what strains give you the desired effect.
CBD Oil Guide- Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, & More
I know you're here to read about CBD Oil, but let's start from the top, i,e. Cannabis.
There is a shift in the attitude of people when someone mentions Cannabis. Some people, especially those with a medical condition, swear by it, some despise it, the government regulators are flustered by it, and the world just can't seem to get enough of it.
The recent relaxation and legalization of cannabis have invited a bunch of people into the plant culture. Previously associated with getting "high" or "baked", the other side of the picture is getting clearer now with an influx of people getting acquainted with its medicinal benefits and the earthly wonders.
While there are many different ways of consuming it, today we specifically talk about CBD oil and give you a handy guide on its consumption, benefits, and much more. And before you deep dive into the CBD world, make sure you have the correct information in hand as misinformation and dubious claims are very common.
What is CBD?
CBD, also known as cannabinoid, is a naturally occurring active compound that is found alongside more than 100 active cannabinoids in the plant. It is a non-psychoactive compound found in the resinous flower of cannabis, a plant with a rich history of medicine. Scientists and researchers around the world are exploring and confirming the medicinal benefits of the plant, leading to an upsurge in their usage and popularity.
The other famous component known as THC is what gives the intoxicating effect. However, both CBD and THC have robust therapeutic remedies which have helped millions all over the world. CBD reduces or neutralizes the psychoactive effect of THC, making it an ideal choice for people who want to tap on the medicinal benefit without the associated high.
Where does CBD help?
We are now discussing CBD oil and its benefits.
CBD and its medicinal benefits opened a lot of doors for those who have been tired of their condition or with the pharmaceutical medicine which comes with their baggage of side effects.
CBD has shown exceptional results in treating psychological conditions like anxiety, depression, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and much more.
Recent studies have also shown that CBD has neuroprotective effects and researchers are investigating its anti-cancer properties. It has also been reported that CBD stimulates neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells, in adult mammals.
And that's not it, Medical Benefits of CBD oil are prevalent in the following areas:-
Autoimmune diseases
Metabolic syndrome like diabetes, obesity, etc.
Neurological conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Epilepsy, Dementia, etc.
Skin diseases like psoriasis, acne, etc.
Neuropsychiatric illnesses like ADHD, autism, etc
Gut disorders and Cardiovascular dysfunction
This is not an exhaustive list, as some new and mind-blowing benefits pop up after every research, leaving us all in awe of the healing power of mother earth. Moving on from the effect of CBD oil, let’s take a look at its working.
How does CBD Work?
After understanding what is CBD oil, let's start with the very basic understanding of our body to comprehend the effects of CBD and THC.
We have an "endocannabinoid system" in our body which is responsible for regulating a broad range of physiological processes that affect our everyday experiences like our energy level, our metabolism, mood, blood pressure, pain, hunger, stress, and more.
And what happens when the system does not work properly? It leads to new conditions or diseases.
The endocannabinoid system is named so as it is similar to the compounds found in the cannabis plant. THC and CBD interact with our body by affecting the endocannabinoid system when it malfunctions, leading to a reduction or a stop in the disease.
Of course, there are some possible side-effects of CBD oil which we discuss in detail later.
For now, let’s start with CBD oil.
Where is CBD Oil Found & Where Can I buy CBD Oil?
Now that you know quite well enough what CBD is, let's move onto see how the oil is extracted from the plants.
The CBD and other cannabinoids are found in the oily resin of the plant. The gooey, sticky resin is usually collected on the dense clusters of cannabis buds, which are concealed by small, mushroom-shaped trichomes. Trichomes are the place where the oil and medicinal compounds including CBD, Terpenes, and THC are collected. These oily trichomes are produced by the plant as it protects it from heat and radiation while also deterring predators, pests, and bugs.
The amount of CBD present in these plants varies from strain to strain. Many strains are rich in THC while the others have a high CBD content. There are various headshops where you can find oral oils.
How is CBD Oil Made & How Do you Use CBD oil?
CBD oil has to be extracted from the plant material to ensure that the CBD and Terpenes are available in highly concentrated form. Being oily by nature, the separation of CBD oil from cannabinoids leads to a thick oil. However, its potency and purity are dependent on the extraction method.
Cannabinoid compounds are "terpenophenolic” compounds which means that they are soluble in both oil and alcohol. For this reason, a solvent is used in the process of extracting CBD oil. We usually get this question a lot asking us what’re the most common types of CBD extraction methods?
There are three most popular ways to extract CBD Oil which includes using a solvent such as alcohol to separate the molecules and cannabinoids from the cannabis and hemp flowers. The solvents used for this process are CO2, Ethanol, and Hydrocarbon. These methods are used commercially and cannot be done at home.
Other methods include using food-safe oil to extract useful material from the cannabis plant. This involves the use of coconut oil, olive oils, and the likes such as they are lipophilic, meaning they are absorbed well by fat. This can be done at home and we have shared an easy DIY recipe for CBD oil below.
DIY CBD Oil Recipe with Olive Oil
Making CBD oil with olive oil is one of the safest and most preferred methods as it does not leave any residue behind. Moreover, it also gives you the additional benefit of the base oil.
For the record, you can use any oil that is safe for consumption. However, my personal favourite choice is Olive oil because of its beneficial qualities.
Before we start with the process, make sure you buy a cannabis strain that has a good amount of CBD. If you're confused, consult your budtender, but don't make an uninformed choice.
Let's get started with the CBD oil Recipe!
Step 1: Decarboxylate your buds before you do anything else.
Step 2: Break your material into smaller pieces and put them in the mason jar.
Step 3: Fill the jar with the oil, depending on the potency that you're expecting. Allow the mixture to saturate for some time.
Step 4: The next step involves bringing the mixture to a boil. Take a pan and place the mason jar in it.
Step 5: Fill the pan with water and heat it until it reaches 200 degrees.
Step 6: You have to make the mixture simmer for 3 hours, ensuring the water does not exceed the prescribed temperature, nor evaporate completely.
Step 7: Once done, turn off the stove, and let the mixture sit for another three hours.
Step 8: Repeat the 6th Step and then let the mixture sit overnight.
Step 9: Sieve the mixture through a cheesecloth and store your extracted CBD oil in a cool dry place.
The most popular forms of CBD Oil
CBD Tinctures: They are liquid extracts that are consumed sublingually, which means they are dropped underneath the tongue and are absorbed by the tissues and enter the bloodstream. There are no CBD Tincture effects that may be different from the usual ones. If you’re looking for more information on cbd tincture dosing, side-effects, benefits, make, etc, check out the link shared below.
CBD Capsules: These capsules are filled with oil and consumed like normal vitamins or supplements, containing gel caps filled with the oil.
CBD Vape Oil: For those who don't like to consume CBD oil orally, they can be smoked. It refers to those pre-filled oil cartridges that are attached to the vape or can be used as a vape juice in e-cigarettes.
CBD Rick Simpson Oil (RSO): This type of oil is referred to as an alcohol-based extract which can be injected or applied on the skin to reap from its benefits.
Creams & Lotions: CBD infused topicals are used to treat chronic joints and muscle pain along with skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. However, topicals stay on the surface of the skin and do not get absorbed in the bloodstream.
Types of CBD Oil Extracts
Broadly, there are three types of CBD oil Extracts. Let's have a look at them:
Full-spectrum CBD Oil Extract: This type of CBD Oil refers to the complete hemp plant extract along with other cannabinoids in hemp and marijuana, and a range of terpenes, vitamins, flavonoids, and minerals.
Researchers have found that the Full Spectrum CBD Oil Extract is more effective than CBD isolate as the general idea is that the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds of the source plant can amplify each other’s effects. However, if you're not looking to consume the additional compounds of the plant, opt for CBD Isolate.
There are no full-spectrum CBD Oil side-effects that differ from the general ones which includes anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, etc. -
CBD Isolate Extract: It is the opposite of Full Spectrum CBD Oil as the extract is 99% pure CBD only. There are no additional cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and it is completely free of THC. It does not have any smell or taste and can be consumed easily without the additional taste of the earth. CBD Isolate is preferred as pure CBD makes it easier to control the concentration and dosage effectively. As for CBD Isolate Dosing, there is no correct answer to this. You will have to experiment and find your sweet spot yourself. There are also many CBD Isolate Oil Recipes that you can try.
Broad Spectrum CBD: This type of CBD is similar to the Full spectrum CBD but goes through an additional step to remove the THC. It contains all the other plant compounds like terpenes, vitamins, flavonoids, and minerals, without any traces of THC.
Difference between Marijuana and Hemp oil
Let's understand the difference between the two oils in terms of their THC content to make things clearer.
Hemp is a cannabis plant extract which contains a high level of cannabinoids, the non-psychoactive compound with almost no trace of THC(below 0.3%). This means that you can enjoy the benefits of CBD without having to get "high" or feel intoxicated. It is essentially useful for people who need to administer CBD while working or being in public places, or people averse to feeling high. Hemp oil is also easily available in stores, headshops, and other places since they are not tied with the legalities in the USA. The hemp seed oil dosage is not very different from the Marijuana oil. Start with the lower dosage, moving on as your metabolizes and gets used to the effects.
Like any other cannabis extract, Hemp Seed oil has a list of benefits and side-effects.
On the other hand, Marijuana oil entails all the plant compounds along with CBD, including 5-30% of THC. Derived from selectively bred high-CBD strains, they can get the user high, although the intoxicating properties are kept in check as CBD counteracts THC’s effect. Moreover, Marijuana is not legal in most countries and can be used in only some states in the US.
Dosing on Cannabis Oil - How much should I take?
The area where it is least known about CBD is dosing, so let's tread this path carefully.
It can be quite daunting to find the perfect dosage as optimizing therapeutic cannabis use can be a challenge, even for the doctors. Since Cannabis are available in many different forms with a wide range of potencies, and the government regulations are different everywhere, it leads to unstandardized use of cannabis. There are no one size fits all when it comes to cbd therapeutic doses. However, Dosing CBD oil isn’t rocket science and with enough care, you’ll get it right.
One of the most common misconceptions of dosing is that you have to consume high amounts to feel the effect. Here's where most people go wrong. Let’s see how to consume CBD oil.
CBD oil should be consumed, starting with micro-dosing. Contrary to popular beliefs, the therapeutic effects of CBD oil can be achieved at dosages lower than that required to produce Euphoria or impairment. In fact, lower doses, in some cases, can be more effective than larger doses.
The usual acceptance around dosing on CBD oil is to start small, and gradually adjust your intake according to your need. Your body is the best decision-maker, and you should put it in charge of the dosage.
Another thing that you have to keep in mind is that CBD affects everyone differently, mainly because of genetic predispositions, gender, biochemistry, tolerance, metabolism, etc.
So, a particular dose or brand may work for your friend, but the same dosage may titillate nothing in you. Similarly, the CBD content varies in different products. Read the label for more information or consult the person in charge before you make a purchasing decision.
Let's put out some caution rules that you should follow with CBD oil:
Each dosage usually contains 1 milligram per drop concentration but ensure that you read the labels closely as some products may vary in the per mg/concentration.
Vaping oil also helps to consume CBD, but the dosage here is tricky. It depends on the concentration of the liquid and how much you inhale.
Gummies also have a set standard dosage which is 5miligrams/gummy. But, make sure you ensure this before increasing or decreasing your dose.
When starting with CBD infused topical, use them sparingly, starting with absolute minimum and then acting according to the bodily reaction.
So all in all, you have to be your judge, and decide on the dosage yourself or consult a doctor who would help you through the process.
Now let's move on to the side effects of CBD oil.
The Possible Side Effects of CBD Oil
Let’s come to the most crucial topic of the article - CBD Oil Side Effects.
CBD oil has different types of side effects which varies from person to person. For some, it may not even be felt even slightly, while for others, the severity may be quite high. This is the reason why dosing should be administered in small quantities so you can efficiently understand the side effects and manage them. However, contrary to popular misconceptions, there are no different or unique side-effects of cbd oil with THC. Similarly, CBD without THC does not have any unique side-effects.
Taking a look at the side effects of cannabidiol oil, it is not very different from the side-effects of consuming any other type of cannabis. And while we are on this topic, side effects of cbd capsules are also not different from the general ones.
The CBD oil side effects include:
Dry mouth
Changes in appetite
Changes in mood
CBD may also lead to an increase in liver enzymes. If you have any liver-related disease, consult your doctor before using CBD oil.
Another set of people that should stay clear of CBD related products are pregnant women. CBD can pass through the barrier of the placenta and presents a risk to the baby's development and growth.
CBD can also interact with other medicines and may alter the effectiveness of the drug or lead to a toxic reaction. If you're on any other medication, mention this to your doctor before moving forward with CBD oil.
Difference between CBD oil and Hemp Seed Oil
Many people fail to understand the difference between CBD oil and Hemp Seed Oil and fall to the misrepresentation of information by brands. So let's break this down for you.
CBD oil is extracted from the leaves, stalks, flowers, and other parts of the plant where cannabidiol (CBD) is found. On the other hand, the hemp seed oil is derived from hemp seeds where there is little or no CBD content. Even though both have health benefits, they are very different from each other.
So how do you differentiate both of them while looking for CBD oils?
The easiest way is to refer to what the package says. If it does not mention "hemp seed oil", look for alternative words like “cannabis seed oil” or “cannabis Sativa seed oil,”. On the other hand, while looking for CBD products, find words like “cannabidiol” or “CBD", to ensure you're getting your hands on the correct product! If you’re confused, consult the headshop or the buyer.
Now that we have cleared the confusion between the two oils, let's look at other things you should consider before buying CBD oil.
Does CBD have side-effects?
Yes, CBD does have side-effects which are not very different from the general side-effects of Cannabis which includes dizziness, nausea, anxiety, dry mouth, etc.
What is the difference between cbd tincture and cbd oil?
When compared to CBD Tinctures, CBD oil has a fairly greater potency of CBD. On the other hand, tinctures have a longer shelf life and bioavailability when compared to CBD oil due to their presence of alcohol.
How to smoke cbd isolate?
You can mix your CBD Isolate with your vape juice for an easy smoke. On the other hand, you can also smoke CBD Isolate in your dab rigs or wax pens.
How to take cbd oil orally?
The best way to consume CBD oil orally is to go the sublingual way where you drop the oil under your tongue, allowing it to absorb. It also leads to a faster effect when compared to when you consume it with an edible.
Does CBD oil raise blood pressure?
CBD is known to relax and ease the blood vessels, thereby decreasing anxiety and lowering blood pressure. So no, CBD oil does not raise blood pressure but instead helps to lower it.
CBD for Dogs & Cats - Dosage for Pets
The world of green herbs is an enticing and vast one. From their very controversial status to the array of medical benefits recently discovered, society is slowly accepting the green buds with both arms. As the doors of cannabis opened up and research started flowing, the craze for CBD grew, owing to its long list of benefits and non-intoxicating characteristics. For those who are just stepping into the green land, CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the most prominent compounds of the cannabis plant that aims to help with many ailments and conditions without the high.
The recent craze for CBD is attributed to its quality of not only helping with medical conditions that seemed untreatable under allopathy but also helping to improve the overall well-being and quality of life. For instance, CBD helps a person suffering from severe seizure disorder by significantly reducing the frequency of seizures, relieving them from constant distress. Moreover, the benefits of CBD and cannabis do not seize at the doorstep of human life but continue to go over and help our furry friends.
As the benefits of cannabidiol come forward into the limelight, pet owners have been inspired to pass it over to their four-legged friends. This led to a creation of a market where you could purchase a variety of CBD products for pets. From the very famous cannabis (CBD) oil to CBD treats, CBD creams, CBD pills and capsules, to CBD drops, we now have a collection of products that help to inject benefits into our pets.
If you're a pet owner looking to dive deep into the Cannabis world, this article is curated for you. We discuss CBD for Dogs and Cats, the correct dosage, the advantages & tips, and provide answers to your doubts.
Let's get started!
Endocannabinoid System and Pets - How does CBD work?
When trying to understand how CBD works, it is very essential to know more about the endocannabinoid system (ECS). It is through the ECS that cannabis compounds react with our body, creating the effects linked to the green buds.
The Endocannabinoid system is present in each animal, ranging from the most complex mammals to simple invertebrates. Discovered in the 1990s, the ECS is meant to keep the internal balance while the external environment changes. It interacts with every other system in the body, producing endocannabinoids to induce the creation of neurotransmitters or hormones. The endocannabinoids travel through the bloodstream and attach to cells throughout the body. They are essentially messengers that instruct and tell the different systems how to react, thereby affecting the entire bodily process.
When a person or a pet consumes CBD, it binds with the Endocannabinoids system, influencing it to produce endocannabinoids that help to promote health and well-being. It follows the same functionality in humans and pets, opening the door of benefits to our little friends.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD Or Cannabidiol Oil is derived from the Cannabis plant, singling out one cannabinoid from the host of other natural compounds. It contains CBD as the primary product and is generally used to promote well-being and helps in different ailments. In the UK, CBD products are legal only if they contain less than 0.2% THC.
CBD Oil can be sourced from hemp or the cannabis plant. However, CBD from any of the mentioned sources do not contain any intoxicating characteristics and is safe to consume. In the right quantities, CBD oil is extremely effective as a supportive supplement.
CBD for Dogs and Cats can be found in many different forms. However, CBD oil is one of the most popular ways to transmit the benefits of Cannabidiol to our best friends. It is easier to adjust the dosage with oils, and you can simply mix it with the food. No fussy behaviour there!
CBD oil for pets is also available in different flavours and various targeted effects, allowing the pets to enjoy the perks of CBD. Apart from Oil, you can also try tasty CBD treats, topicals, and more that can benefit dogs and cats.
Benefits of CBD for Dogs and Cats
CBD's rise to fame is credited to its range of medical benefits, with many of them still being researched. One of the most prominent advantages of CBD is its ability to dampen inflammation and chronic pain in mammals. Moreover, CBD is also an excellent neuroprotector that helps in treating neurological disorders like seizures and epilepsy.
Here's a list of CBD benefits for dogs and cats:
Anxiety & Stress
Chronic Inflammation
Pain (Moderate & Chronic)
Digestive Issues
Wellness & Health
There is still ongoing research and studies related to the benefits of CBD for dog seizures. In any case, it is always a good idea to take your pet, cat or dog, to the vet before starting with any treatment.
Now that you are aware of CBD benefits for cats and dogs, let's take a look at the CBD dosage chart and explanations.
CBD for Dogs and Cats - The ideal dose
Cannabis and CBD oil is more of recent development and is still new to us. While we try to understand the benefits and effects of CBD on humans, our four-legged friends are not very far behind. There are multiple studies and research that vouch for the benefits of CBD for our pets, but many owners are still very confused about the right dosage. We get a lot of questions like how much CBD should I give to my dog or what is the ideal CBD oil dosage for cats?
Let's answer all your doubts!
The most generally accepted dosage is to start with 1-2mg for every 10 pounds of weight. Some studies also prescribe a higher per mg dose for cats as they have a lower number of receptors. However, make sure you look at the CBD oil concentration before following the rule of thumb.
The CBD mentioned on the bottle of oil is the amount available in the entire bottle and not on a per-dose basis. If a 30ml bottle contains 600mg CBD, an ml of the oil will contain 20mg CBD. Doing the maths, a 50 lbs puppy can take a 0.25ml containing 5mg CBD. I know it gets confusing, which is why we have a dosage chart given below.
Let's take a look further into the ideal CBD dosage for cats and dogs.
The ideal dosage for your pet is dependent on slight experimentation. Like the human body, everybody is different in the animal land too. Even if you choose the best quality CBD oil for dogs or the best CBD treats for cats, the right dose may still vary and with it, the effects of CBD. It depends on the receptors and how they work in the body to understand the ideal dosage, especially if you're looking for medical benefits. It is always a great idea to start with the lower end of the range and note down the effect after 30-60 minutes. If the required result is reached, you don't have to change the dose. If not, you can increase it slightly and note the effects again.
Even while opting for CBD treats or any other type of consumption for your pets, you can find the CBD content and figure out the per dose mg for the furry friends.
Tips on the CBD Dosage for Pets
As discussed above, we know that the potency of the CBD oil and the weight of the pet are the major factors that decide the correct CBD dosage. Another factor that influences the dosage is the ailment that you're treating. A more severe condition might demand a higher dose than others.
Here are some tips on CBD for dogs and cats:
It is recommended to consult the veterinarian before you start with any treatment. They would be able to provide a professional light on the entire situation.
Take into account other health conditions of your pet as that can influence the effect and potency of the CBD.
Always buy the highest quality CBD oil from a trusted source. Look at the complete ingredients list and ask for more if you're not satisfied. Look for CBD products that have an authentic certificate.
Buy the correct potency, keeping in mind the size and weight of the pet
How long does it take CBD to start working?
When taken sublingually, CBD starts working in 30-45 minutes. However, when you take CBD in food or treats, it has to pass through the digestive tract, break down, and start the work. Therefore, it might take time to start with the effect. However, both ways are equally effective.
How long does the CBD Effect last?
The potency and time of the effect are dependent on many factors, including the pet's activity level, size, breed, and even symptoms. But the usual time frame is 4-8 hours.
This brings us to the end of our guide of CBD for dogs and cats, and the ideal dosage. I hope it was helpful and informative. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.
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